About Webmasters' Library

General Information | Design Techniques | Website Technology

Platform/Browser Independent Design

A main design goal for Webmasters' Library is to ensure the information provided is accessible and legible on a wide range of operating systems, browser types, monitor resolutions, monitor sizes and colour pallets.

Everyone is entitled to use their own system preferences. Some people may be restricted by hardware and software limitations, some may be dealing with physical disabilities and others may just like a certain screen resolution! Webmasters' Library should display a standard interface, with the exception of minor rendering differences, on most PC setups.

Three Click Navigation

Any amount of quality content is useless unless visitors can easily access it. In an effort to counteract the many difficulties of finding information on the Internet today, Webmasters' Library has a number of navigation elements built in to help visitors find what they are looking for. These elements include;

The navigation elements outlined above make it possible for visitors of Webmasters' Library to access any piece of content, from any other page with just three clicks of the mouse! A feature which is sure to save you time!

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